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Folding Pocket Magnifiers

Item #: BLN818+

Professional Pricing Available to Registered Healthcare Professionals, Schools, & Government. Click on the blue info button for more details.

  • Description
  • Qty
  • (C) Three Lenses: 15mm & 20mm Diameter 5x, 7x, & 9x to 21x Magnification (20D to 80D)
  • You must be logged in to your Bernell Online account in order to view pricing for products. Healthcare Professionals, Staff, Schools, & Government, please login to your Bernell Online accounts for pricing. Please click on the blue info button for more details

Folding Pocket Magnifiers

Use lenses in combination to achieve desired powers. Powers range from 3x to 9x magnification. Models with two lenses provide three different powers. Three lens model provides the possibility of seven different powers.

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