The Cataract Eye Model
The Cataract Eye Model is made of hard, durable plastic and measures 3.75 inches in diameter, mounted on a slightly larger plastic base. Included are five interchangeable lenses that show various types of conditions including sub-capsular, capsular, mature, cortical, and nuclear. One normal lens is also included. These lenses are 1.75 inches in diameter. The model is realistically illustrated, and is designed primarily for patient education in cataract surgery.
Lens Stabilizer for Cataract and IOL Models
This neat little add-on stabilizes lenses on Cataract and IOL eye models to ensure the lenses will not easily fall out of the wells when the model is moved or used.
The cataract and IOL models are excellent tools for demonstrating different types of cataracts and replacement lenses. Recently, however, customer feedback has indicated that the wells which hold the interchangeable lenses are not very deep.
For some doctors, this is not a problem since the model usually sits on a desk. However, if the model will be used frequently or if it will be moved often, the lenses may fall out of the shallow wells. To solve this problem, we now offer the lens stabilizer. The stabilizer is compatible with existing cataract and IOL models and it is easily installed. The stabilizer improves the model's aesthetic appeal while adding depth the lens wells. The added depth provided by the stabilizer ensures the lenses will not easily fall out of the wells when the model is moved or used.
Demonstration Cataract Lenses
The lenses are great for patient education and are compatible with both the Cataract and IOL models. Includes five lenses, each with a different type of cataract.
Interchangable lenses that show various types of cataract conditions including subcapsular, capsular, mature, cortical, and nuclear. These lenses are 1.75 inches in diameter. The lenses are realistically illustrated.