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Clip and Flip Multi Powered Clip-On, Flip-Up Magnifying Lenses

Item #: ODCML+

Professional Pricing Available to Registered Healthcare Professionals, Schools, & Government. Click on the blue info button for more details.

  • Description
  • Qty
  • 1.5x Power (+2.25 Diopters) Clip-On, Flip-Up Magnifying Lenses
  • You must be logged in to your Bernell Online account in order to view pricing for products. Healthcare Professionals, Staff, Schools, & Government, please login to your Bernell Online accounts for pricing. Please click on the blue info button for more details

  • 2x Power (+4.00 Diopters) Clip-On, Flip-Up Magnifying Lenses
  • You must be logged in to your Bernell Online account in order to view pricing for products. Healthcare Professionals, Staff, Schools, & Government, please login to your Bernell Online accounts for pricing. Please click on the blue info button for more details

  • 1.75x Power (+3.00 Diopters) Clip-On, Flip-Up Magnifying Lenses
  • You must be logged in to your Bernell Online account in order to view pricing for products. Healthcare Professionals, Staff, Schools, & Government, please login to your Bernell Online accounts for pricing. Please click on the blue info button for more details

The Clip & Flip magnifying lenses turns any pair of regular glasses into a "flip-down" hands free magnifier. Flip the magnifier up for normal viewing or down for a super magnified image. The Clip & Flip magnifying lenses are perfect for reading, fly-tying, hobbies, crafts, model building and so much more! The crystal clear acrylic lenses will give you a sharp, distortion free view that allows you to see the finest details with ease. Each Clip & Flip magnifying lens comes included with a protective soft pouch to protect the lenses from dust and scratching.

The Clip&Flip magnifying lenses are available in 3 different magnifications - 1.5x power (+2.25 diopters), 1.75x power (+3.00 diopers) and 2x power (+4.00 diopters).
• Clip-on, Flip-up, Magnifying Lenses (clips on to your regular glasses)
• Flips up out of the way; Flips down to become a hands-free magnifier
• Great for Fly-tying or any other Hands-free magnifying use
• Protective pouch included
• 1.5x power equivalent to +2.25 diopters
• 1.75x power equivalent to +3.00 diopters
• 2x power equivalent to +4.00 diopters

The Clip & Flip magnifying lenses are available in 3 different magnifications:
• 1.5x power (+2.25 diopters)
• 1.75x power (+3.00 diopers)
• 2x power (+4.00 diopters)

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